African Monarch Butterfly

The African Monarch Butterfly (Danaus chrysippus orientis) Afrikaans name Melkbosskoenlapper), feeds on the milkweed plant and its body retains some of the milkweeds toxicity which makes it smell and taste awful to predators. It therefore is able to escape being eaten most of the time.

It is found mostly in open grasslands and even in the desert.

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Little Bittern

The Little Bittern (Afrikaans name, Kleinrietreier) is a very secretive and shy bird, seldom seen out in the open and we have been fortunate…
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Crossbreed Blacksmith Lapwing

We came across this Blacksmith Lapwing (Formerly known as Plover), Afrikaans name – Bontkiewiet, near Skukuza in the Kruger National…